Paradise Bouquet


A collection of exotic flowers for that floral enthusiast. This assortment covers the whole spectrum of colors from the deepest red to the brightest green. (pre-arranged)

The contents of each Paradise bouquet are:

  • 5 Heliconia
  • 6 Ginger
  • 6 Psittacorum
  • 1 Grande Flora
  • 1 Song of India
  • 1 Ti Stalk
  • 25 Assorted Foliage


A collection of exotic flowers for that floral enthusiast. This assortment covers the whole spectrum of colors from the deepest red to the brightest green. (pre-arranged)

The contents of each Paradise bouquet are:

  • 5 Heliconia
  • 6 Ginger
  • 6 Psittacorum
  • 1 Grande Flora
  • 1 Song of India
  • 1 Ti Stalk
  • 25 Assorted Foliage

Please place your order two or more days prior to the day you want it shipped.

Paradise Bouquet

Additional information

Weight 8 lbs
Dimensions 39 × 10 × 7 in